Costume Design
Brian Strachan
M.F.A. Costume Design
Temple University
Brian Strachan is a freelance designer living in Collegeville, PA. Brian has designed costumes for many colleges, universities, and theatre and dance companies in the Philadelphia area as well as across the country. Mr. Strachan has designed for the Delaware Theater Company, Theater Exile, The Lantern Theater Company, Ursinus College, Enchantment Theater Company, University of the Arts School of Dance, Rowan University, EgoPo Theater, The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium, Sharp Dance Company, Koresh Dance Company, and Montgomery Theater. Also Temple University, Philadelphia Shakespeares Theater, New City Stage, Isis Theater Company, Upper Darby Performing Arts Center, Actors Without Boundaries, as well as many other companies
140 East 9th Ave.
Collegeville, PA 19426